The land is 93 meters wide and 768 meters long.
- Road width 10 meters
- In front of the road, there is a drainage pipe, large, 20 meters.
- Electricity, water and access to the land
- The road can travel in 4 directions and can go through Kan and Saraburi, Bangkok.
- It is a reinforced concrete road
- The back of the area will have different roads on the eastern level, around 2023.
- Price at 2.3 million baht per rai
Nearby places
- Chinnawaram Worawihan Temple, 3 km
- Krua Pathum Shop 2.5 km.
- Golden Ring Kanom Pia 3.1 km
- Wat Chet Wong, 3.3 km
See more images at the URL below.
Selling price 101,251,750 baht / transfer fee, tax 50/50
(Contact rental / purchase, please specify the code every time)
For more information
Line ID: pen9654
Mobile: 096-839-5355
Contact directly
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