PH662 Land for sale near VC Dok Khamtai Hotel, 32 rai
Address Dok Kham Tai Subdistrict Dok Kham Tai District Phayao 56120
Land near the hotel, VC, Dok Khamtai, Phayao 32 Rai, sell at 650,000 baht per rai
- Title deed ready to transfer
- 32-2-60 Rai
- Sold at 650,000 baht per rai
- Subject: Click to see links, + 99.962269
- Position: Opposite VC Hotel, Dok Kham Tai Phayao
Nearby places
- Close to Phayao Road - Chun - Chiang Kham
- 200 meters from Srichaiwittaya School
See more images at the URL below.
Selling price 21,222,500 baht / transfer fee, tax 50/50
(Contact to rent / buy a house, please specify the code every time)
For more information
Line ID: pen9654
Mobile: 096-839-5355
Contact directly
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