Land for sale 16 rai in Kamphaengsaen Nakhon Pathom Province
Code L00-44-0320
-16 Rai
- To be adjacent to the road at all
- In the area there is a pond about half a rai
- able to go to the temple road
- Able to go out to the city line of Gan, Suphan
- able to go off the Department of Aviation wall
- Near the aviation hospital
- Near the flight school
- can be attached to multiple roads
- Divided for sale 5 rai or more
- Krathip Subdistrict, Kamphaeng Saen District Nakhon Pathom Province
ยินดีให้บริการ รับจัดหาอสังหาฯทุกประเภท
รับฝากขาย-ฝากเช่า หรือต้องการจะซื้อ-เช่า-ลงทุนอสังหาฯทุกประเภท
Sell-Buy-Rent Real Estate Service
Contact : 083-809-7888 ,02-102-9624
Line ID: @homelife (มี@ด้วยนะคะ)
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Line ID : Home.Life
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