สนใจสอบถามเพิ่มเติมได้คุณนันทิชา 0897881243,0859144508 หรือ อีเมล์ noinanthicha@gmail.com และเว็บไซด์ www.thailandproperty.yellowpages.co.th
Selling the large land 62 rais ,price 3,800,000 baht per rais,
Beautiful land, located Amphoe Klong Luang , Pathumthani Province , suitable Big project such as shopping mall, village, etc,near Tarad Thai market (hup) and also near new zone construction terminal domestic transport station replace Mo Chit Bangkok, for bus tour in route of North and Issan so that this land will be central of dormitory town in near future.
Please contact khun nanthicha for mor information
Mobile phone: 0897881243,0859144508 or email noinanthicha@gmail.com
Visit www.thailandproperty.yellowpages.co.th