Business licenses Massage in Chiang Mai business revenue. But no licensing type this. In addition to selling licenses to open businesses only. And welcome to the AEC in this business 58 years, this is going to be fantastic. Both in staff recruitment services that can be run in either 10 or 10 nationalities and think that earnings will be. This license is for the sale of a 55 rooms for sale at 25 million baht. And transfer of the Company 's This license , which opened in the hotel in Chiang Mai. And can then be opened across the country. except Bangkok And provincial bigger Chiang Mai. If you want to open in Chiang Mai , you can rent a hotel in which it operates now. Per month 150,000 Baht Quick contact 08-1818-6578 08-9999-6960 09-2185-5122 or see all the other items .